ProConnect ​Live View in the Web Client

This document outlines options and features for viewing live video streams of cameras connected to a ProConnect NVR through a web browser. The ProConnect user interface can be viewed through multiple web browsers.  One can connect via AvertX Connect or locally.  The viewing options will be different when viewing live video directly from a monitor connected to the recorder console.

Live Screen Viewing Pane

The live screen shows the video streams of the connected cameras. It can be customized using the different buttons to view specific cameras in different layouts:

User Interface Display Icons/Buttons

Camera List  – Manually type in the Camera List Search field to filter Camera List by camera name.

Camera List – List of connected cameras. These cameras can be dragged into a camera tile to display live video.

NOTE: The recorder console Live Screen does not display the Camera List.

On-Screen Display – Displays the resolution, video format, bit rate, and frame rate of the camera.

Camera Tile – Individual tile for viewing live video from one camera.

Viewing Pane – Comprised of camera tiles and makes up the viewing space in the Live Screen.

Grid – Designate a screen division [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 (choice of three different grids displaying ten cameras), 13, 16, 17 or 25 camera tiles] to view live video from cameras in the viewing pane.

View – Dropdown selection of Live video viewing options [4:3, 16:9, original (displays original aspect ratio of all cameras), and stretch (stretches camera images to fit Camera Tile).

Stream – Designate the stream quality for cameras in the Viewing Pane.

PTZ Mode – Enter PTZ Mode to enable PTZ mouse controls and control the PTZ cameras in the camera tiles (Web Client only).

Full Screen – View live video in full screen mode (Web Client only).

Settings or Setup– Access the General Configuration, Remote Services, and Tools/Logs menus.

Feedback – Submit feedback directly to AvertX.

About – View software version, operating system image version, and copyright information.  

Use the Left and Right arrows at the sides of the Viewing Pane to manually cycle through camera views.

Right-Click Menu

Right-clicking on a live camera tile while viewing live or recorded video will display the right-click options menu.

Remove Camera – Remove the camera from the current Live Screen viewing pane (Web Client only).

Remove All Cameras – Remove all cameras from the current Live Screen viewing pane (Web Client only).

OSD – On-Screen Display Camera Name, Diagnostics Information (Video Resolution, Video Format, Bitrate, and Frames Per Second), Recorder Date, and Time.

Zoom In – Zoom in on a supported PTZ camera or focus select analog HD cameras.

Zoom Out – Zoom out on a supported PTZ camera or focus select analog HD cameras.

360 View Mode – (for 360 enabled cameras) Dewarp a camera with a 360 view to Interactive, 360 Panorama or 2 x 180 Panorama. View more details on 360 View.

Camera Grid

Adjust the Grid

1. In the Live or Search screen, click Grid.

2. Click on the desired screen grid. The screen grid will automatically apply.

3. Assign the available cameras to the desired camera tiles.

Add cameras to the camera tiles

There are multiple methods to add a camera:

1.  Click and drag a camera from the Camera List to the Viewing Pane to create a Camera Tile.

NOTE: Change the Live screen grid if more camera channels are desired

2.  Click the desired camera on the Camera List to automatically add it to the Viewing Pane in an available Camera Tile. Each subsequent camera clicked will be added to the next available Camera Tile.

3.  Drag one Camera Tile over in the Viewing Pane to swap their locations.

Leverage a smaller grid size and the next and back arrows to page through the Live and Search screens.

Aspect Ratio

The Live screen view affects the camera tiles and the aspect ratio / format of the live video being displayed.

To adjust the Live Screen View:

1. In the Live screen, click View.

2. Click the desired View. The Live Screen view will automatically apply.

NOTE: Choose from aspect ratios of 4:3 or 16:9 and choose a format of Stretch or Original.

Stream Quality

The Stream Quality option affects the resolution of live video as seen on the Live Screen. The stream resolution can be set to low, medium, high, or automatic.

To adjust the Live Video Stream Quality in the Web Client:

1. In the Live screen, click Stream.

2. Click the desired streaming resolution (Low, Medium, or High). The Live Screen will automatically adjust.
NOTE: The available streaming resolutions are dependent on camera setup.