How to view ProConnect NVR basic system logs

The ProConnect NVR's system logs are accessible to user accounts with administrator (admin) permissions.  Logs can be helpful to review the system's operation, or when investigating or troubleshooting performance issues. 

Log Files can be accessed by navigating to the Setup > Recorder Settings > Log Files menu.

By default the System Logs are sorted chronologically by the Timestamp column on the left side.  They can also be sorted based on any of the other columns.  

In an example case, if you are looking for how frequently a camera has disconnected you might sort by the Category column and look through the "Camera" entries or sort by the Event Type column and look through the "Camera Disconnected" entries.

System logs can help identify the following items:

  • Date and time a user account logged in or connected to a recorder and how they connected:
    • Direct indicates the connection was made at the NVR console or as a Local network connection. 
    • Relay indicates the connection was authenticated via the AvertX Connect cloud service via a web browser or a mobile app, and includes the app version and/or browser information.
  • If a camera is disconnecting, and when it connected or disconnected.  
    • Note:  Multiple connect /  disconnects can result for a variety of reasons, often related to cabling or camera settings.
  • If the recorder has lost power abruptly or there is inconsistent power going to the NVR, it may show in the logs as a "power off abnormally" event type.
  • If the recorder has been rebooted, a log entry will reflect if a user account was involved alongside the "System Restart" event type.
  • Possible networking router/switch, power and cabling issues between the recorder other devices on the network or connecting to the Internet will show as a "Network Interface Disconnected/Connected" event type.

System logs can be downloaded and saved for historical purposes or as requested by an AvertX tech support technician to help with troubleshooting as needed.  

  1. Log into the NVR with an account that has administrator (admin) permissions.
  2. Navigate to the Setup > Recorder Settings > Log Files menu.
  3. Click on the respective Download buttons on the top right hand side.