How to assign a static IP address to a ProConnect NVR

ProConnect NVR IP address assignments are configured by default to use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).  Assigning a valid static IP address to a ProConnect adapter can be helpful when troubleshooting or when the NVR is in a restricted network environment. 

  1. Login to the recorder using your admin account.
  2. Select 'Setup' on the top bar of the NVR's user interface (UI) screen
  3. Navigate to Networking on the left side of the screen.
  4. Select the Adapters tab at the top to access/manage the network adapters:

  5. Double-click on the specific adapter you want to modify (some NVR models show 2 adapter options).
  6. Select the Static option to configure a static IP address.
  7. Enter the required information, including the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server:

    Note: If configuring the Camera Adapter, only enter an IP Address and Subnet Mask.

  8. Important:  Double-check the entered values for accuracy and ensure they match the desired configuration.  
  9. Save or Apply the changes.