How much storage does an AvertX Connect account have for exported clips?

Each ProConnect recorder has a total 2GB of AvertX Connect cloud storage included for each NVR. The space stores exported video chosen to reside on the cloud. Additional NVRs increase the total available storage of the managing account used to register them.  If there are 4 actively registered NVRs, then accounts associated with the NVRs will have 8GB of combined storage available.

To view your cloud storage, log in and navigate to the "Videos" tab.  Under the "Videos" label you will see the maximum amount of Storage Used and from the total Available.  

Once the total storage capacity is reached, uploading new clips is restricted until existing clips are removed to free up space. It is important to manage recordings effectively within the storage limit to maintain uninterrupted access to cloud storage.

In the event that the cloud storage reaches its maximum capacity, accounts still have the option to export video clips locally. This means the recordings can be saved directly to a local storage device, such as a computer or external hard drive, bypassing the cloud storage limitation. Exporting locally ensures that valuable footage can be retained even when the storage limit is reached, providing an alternative method for storing and accessing recordings.