How do I update the software on my ProConnect Recorder for HD448 Cameras?

If you are having trouble accessing analytics features on the HD448 4K Bullet camera, you may need to update the software on your ProConnect recorder. This is only necessary on ProConnect recorders purchased before January 26th, 2021.

Note: If the HD448 cameras were connected to the recorder before this update, they need to be deleted and re-added. Existing camera footage will be deleted at this time.

It may be necessary to periodically update the software on your ProConnect recorder to support best practices for cybersecurity. Update packages are provided by AvertX on a quarterly basis, with additional updates when specific vulnerabilities surface.

To update the software image on your ProConnect recorder:

  1. Connect to the recorder through AvertX Connect or log in at the console.
  2. Click the Setup (gear) icon in the upper right menu bar.
  3. Under System Settings, click Settings.
  4. Select the Software Upgrade tab and then click Show More Options.
  5. Copy and paste this link: in the text box
  6. Click the Install button.
    • This may take approximately 15 minutes or longer depending on the network connection.
  7. After the Update Complete window appears, click OK and restart the recorder.
    • Restart may take appoximately 10 minutes. The recorder will be inaccessible and will not record video during this time.